#014 - AJ Sherrill - The Enneagram For Spiritual Formation

#014 - AJ Sherrill - The Enneagram For Spiritual Formation

AJ Sherrill - The Enneagram For Spiritual Formation
John Loppnow Interviews AJ to discuss some of the ideas in his new book.

AJ recently moved to Charleston, SC to become the Lead Pastor of St Peters.

Sneak peak at his Sermon Series he starts to preach at his church.

What drew him to Anglicism? 
[He is a part of the Diocese Churches 4 the Sake of Others]

What practices help you stay grounded in this busy season of change?

What are the 4 agreements?

  1. Remember that you are not a number

  2. Refuse to become branded as the Enneagram person, church or organization

  3. Resist the urge to type another person

  4. Reclaim the Enneagram as a means, not an end

Discuss the purpose of his book.

  • You are beloved

  • God is committed to you in all your beauty and brokenness

  • Transformation is always available

    • Because the One who is renewing the world is ever present within the core of your being. (p.?)

How has the enneagram helped you in your relationships?


How have you seen it be a part of revealing the goodness, beauty and truth of Christ? 

AJ, how can we pray for you?

AJ gives a blessing to you

Buy the book on Amazon

PREORDER so you can enjoy the FREE Workshop.

ONLY those who preorder will get access to a live workshop on October 1, 2020 led by AJ. He will unpack spiritual practices and rituals for each Enneatype, teaching you about “upstream” and “downstream” practices for your number.

Can’t make it to the live event on October 1? No problem! We’ll send you a recording of the workshop.

Author AJ Sherrill still remembers the moment when his life was forever changed by a word he didn't even understand at the time: Enneagram. A personality theory that includes nine different "types," the Enneagram has become a popular tool for self-awareness and improvement.

But in this book, Sherrill goes deeper, exploring with Christians how the Enneagram can be a pathway to profound spiritual transformation. Sherrill reveals the Enneagram as a tool to unlock new ways of viewing identity, personality, discipleship, spiritual practices, evangelism, and the Bible.

Using this fresh approach, Sherrill shows how our true identity is that of a beloved child of God. Recognizing that, we can move confidently into the world expressing this identity through our unique personality.

Through Sherrill's detailed spiritual exploration of each type, readers will emerge viewing the Enneagram as a precious gift to following Jesus more closely. Foreword by Chuck DeGroat.

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